Spade Chrome Extension
22053 次浏览 · 220 次点赞
We believe everyone deserves freedom on the web. With Spade, you can connect inspiration, ideas, and information with annotations on any site, and even share them with others. Understand the web better with site analytics, vocab, and summarization.
![Spade Chrome Extension](/assets/images/fab1b0073f9e4975601d70012f88fbdb.png)
![Spade Chrome Extension](/assets/images/5148e93c36b1f06b7d727c5d7b9d0eca.jpeg)
![Spade Chrome Extension](/assets/images/3e9e6c2698947bafc5ef582cd2ff496e.png)
![Spade Chrome Extension](/assets/images/43764685b129e99ca260b570ef91f032.png)